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Hairmasters Institute of Cosmetology, Bloomington Illinois

Located conveniently in Bloomington-Normal, the Hairmasters Institute of Cosmetology is a beauty school that invests deeply into each student. We want our students to not only gain insight & valuable knowledge into all disciplines of cosmetology but also have the business skills & connections to succeed when they graduate. The success of our graduates across the country is a badge of honor to our teachers and leadership team, we want each student to represent the school well with their success years after they graduate!

Find the Program Right for You!

Having questions or feeling anxious about finding the right program? Not sure if a career in cosmetology is for you? Schedule time to speak with one of our counselors where we can help provide guidance and answer any questions you may have about our school and the cosmetology profession! Don’t be left in the dark when making such an important decision, let us help!

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Catering to Students in Bloomington-Normal, Peoria, Decatur, Springfield, & Champaign-Urbana

506 S. McClun St
Bloomington, IL 61701
(309) 827-6971 (Admissions)
(309) 828-1884 (Salon Services)

Daytime & Nighttime Program Options to Fit Your Schedule

To meet the diverse needs of our students, we offer both daytime and nighttime programs. If you are planning on being a full-time student, our daytime program may be the right choice for you. The 14-month program gives each student education in both cosmetology theory & practical experience. You will graduate as a licensed cosmetologist and will have opportunities to choose and specialize in other specific areas of cosmetology.

If you are currently working full or part-time, our nighttime program may be best suited for you. Spending less time each day in class and training, the Hairmasters Institute of Cosmotology nighttime program is spaced over 21 months, giving you the flexibility to remain employed while completing your education. Like the daytime program, the nighttime program allows you to become a licensed cosmetologist and have the ability to specialize in specific areas of cosmetology.

What Makes Us Different?

Hairmasters Institute of Cosmetology started from humble beginnings where our founder, Julie Fritzsche, wanted to simply provide high-quality personalized education for those looking to go into the growing field of cosmetology as a profession. Since 1987, Julie and the teachers, staff, and leadership team have been diligent to continue improving the education experience, establishing lifelong connections between students & alumni, and helping students find quality financial aid.

Hairmasters Institute of Cosmotology’s code of professionalism with each student has allowed our school to grow rapidly over the years. By providing each of the following attributes, our staff enters the workforce prepared to provide quality cosmetology services for each client they interact with.

Code of Professionalism from Hairmasters Institute of Cosmetology

Ready to get started the exciting and growing career of cosmetology?

Start the application process or speak with a counselor today!

Admissions | (309) 827-6971 |
Salon Services | (309) 828-1884
Fax | (309) 827-5800